All organizations are generating and collecting information every day. This information could be used to help individuals, organizations and their customers make better decisions or create novel solutions to problems, but for most people, it is creating confusion. Their information is not working for them. Rather than being an asset, it is all too often seen as a burden.
This situation is especially true for small businesses. Most of them don’t consider creating an information management strategy when they start out. My goal is to help smaller organizations understand the power and potential of developing a strategy for their information and content and to make it a part of their overall business plan from the beginning.
Infogration is both a philosophy and a process of developing the best way to organize your organization’s information.
Infogration is information science concepts translated into plain business language (and spiced with a dash of Lean Startup methodology) that entrepreneurs can understand and implement.
Imagine reaching a state where your information is organized, accessible, and useful.
Imagine having useful, actionable content that can connect you to other people.
Imagine achieving Infogration.
[…] In the meantime check out the new page I made that talks further about infogration. […]